Thursday, March 22, 2012


My university friend moved to the countryside 6 years ago. All of a sudden she decided to abandon a flat in Moscow, brilliant perspectives, money and career and settle down in the middle of nowhere, in an old Karelian house with no tap water or heating. Everybody thought she was crazy - bathing in a spring in the middle of winter, being alone for days, 80 km from Petrozavodsk, her, who had always been very social (I'd say socioliser), comfort-loving, ambitious and city-girly, all of a sudden she found her peace in that village that'd stay empty for several months a year. In winter it's perfect as you can jump from the sauna directly into the snow dunes all naked without thinking of neighbors staring at your red butt :) here I am by the way, all steaming and freshly baked:

I love the place, specially in summer. It's clean - really clean, air-water-soil-energy-everything. CLEAN. And nourishing. And giving you some space for feedback and reflection. For breathing in-out. Just for re-connecting with nature. Imagine living in a wooden house with a "Black" banya (special type of Russian sauna that is super-healthy wealthy and wise), faaaar from pollution, noise, people (first of all PEOPLE - this layer of collective consciousness disappears and even the transparency of your dreams changes...). Being frugal - berries, veggies and herbs, mushrooms and local dairy products, everything organic without being certified, everything breathing love and care, made or collected with your own two hands, cooked with affection and charged with prana. I love this way of life! Now being back to my parents' flat I feel how I cleaned and charged all my channels there, how life was NOW and meaningful, and how normal it is to live like that, though for many people it would feel strange and extravagant... It's like eating fresh carrots instead of a carrot cake for me now!
Well, let's see when and where I will do the same! Hm, though I have to discuss the "snow-bathing" option with Mr.D. :) may be we can change it into sun-bathing on the sea-side hehe...

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Love is what I love making...

Today's talk with John inspired me on this post. Thank you, dearest John, for your wisdom and support!

I want to be Love. Nonono, not IN love... I want to be love itself. You've met those special people, right? Those who embrace you with their heart, who connect with you immediately, no matter the age, the topic of the discussion or sense of humor. Their eyes are full of light. Well, all their being is full of light. Children... they are like children under twelve months! I want to be one of them. This is my Ascension Goal (if you are interested in that, listen to Inelia Benz). I feel that this is why (probably) I came here. To love. To love kindly. Yes, yes loving kindness is my aim, my dream, my wish, my first item on the manifestation board! This is a yoga of love, this is what Fredrick Lenz was talking about - the yoga of acceptance, of non-judging, of inner dissolving in the universal Light. You actually become this Light. And stay childish. Open. New. Every day, with every experience, with every person. You see THEIR Light as well, because YOUR Light connects to it. You merge. With this Light and with the Truth. With your Higher Self. And your heart opens and yearns for this love to flow through it. And then there's no good nor bad. Just BEING. Just LOVING. Just ACCEPTING. 
This is what I am working on now. Though Mr.D. says I've already been there and I  came to this lifetime to do the jnana yoga. To meditate and to differentiate. Possible, as they say in India. Possible... but my heart whispers that I am right :)