Thursday, September 12, 2013

Who am I?

The notion of time an space changes here...
I wonder how Rosalia, who turned 103 yesterday, perceives it. Seriously, it's like a cat's time but all the way round - must be different from "ours" (I didn't dare to say "normal", cause what is normal actually?).

Berta's phrase of the day was "Ca n'a pas d'importance" ("It's not important")  whatever I'd ask her: how old she was, if she remembered her husband's name, if she wanted a magazine to read. Sounds like Zeland's "drop the importance"-hymn...

Have been called Diana, Ariana, Maryanna, Iliana today... Asked myself: and if everybody around forgot who and how I was, who would I be then? The "I" would just leave space to the "Being", and the self-definition would become just a moment-to-moment process. And vice versa - if  I forget who and how "I" am (is), what happens? And then comes a new question: how can I stay aware if I have forgotten who I am? Is it possible at all?

Thinkfull and thankfull...

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

I don't want to go to Paradise..

On Tuesdays and Saturdays they have a mass in the prayer room. 
Most of them go there.
Not all though.
This morning, Tuesday, Antonio, an ex-priest who comes to accompany them during the mass, tried to get my Berta into the prayer room. 
Berta is 93.
Berta speaks French.
Berta is in a wheel-chair.
I am passing by them and she grabs my hand, saying: "Save me from him, he wants me to go to Paradise! But I don't want to go to Paradise!!!" 
The nurse took her to the hair-dresser instead...