Friday, November 25, 2011

Just few things

22 November

went to the Butoh festival. This is kind of Japanese Contact Dance style, when you express your blocks and kind of meditate while dancing freely, no techniques, pure sensations. Pretty impressive, but way too contemporary for me :) also dark, black, negative (the performance was about Death and faces in front of it), not THE thing I needed now.. They said tomorrow there would be clowns :)

visited a conversation class at LIT, the school that we had been to the day before. There were like 20 Tibetan and 7 or 8 English speaking volunteers. Talked about health in groups with some questions and discussions. So much love, so much interest, so many sincere faces. I was really impressed. Half of the students were monks. And haha all of them would call me teacher, which I found soso funny and bossy :) gonna do it again promised to "my" students, Dalkar and Jampa. 

In the eve, after the 6 to 7 PM meditation had a session of soul realignement  with Rosine (, thank you, beautiful soul!!! Astonishing, supermotivating, some times scaring (so true and close to what I feel and know about myself, that I thought I was hallucinating). The results are coming in some days or weeks... waiting to feel!

Tomorrow is gonna be a magic day, our friends from vipassana, our small family, finish their sattipatana retreat and go out into the real life. I missed them so much! Youpiiii


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